How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Maple Valley, WA?

How Often Should a Landlord Inspect Rental Property in Maple Valley, WA?

Are you prepared for the inevitable building repairs your property may need? Fixing or replacing your roof can cost upwards of $11,206. Doing the same for a central air conditioning system can cost a few thousand dollars as well.

The best way to avoid these mounting costs is through regular rental property inspections and maintenance. As the property owner, you'll want to take some time to assess your property and make sure there aren't any problems.

But how often should a landlord do these inspections and what should they look for?

Landlord Responsibilities

A landlord's main responsibility is to keep their rental property habitable. That means making sure it complies with state and local housing codes. Living up to this responsibility means performing regular checks and dealing with structural issues.

These tenant safety checks include assessing:

  • Running water
  • Air conditioning
  • Smoke detectors
  • Electrical systems and outlets
  • Functional door locks
  • Pest control

Meanwhile, a tenant's responsibilities are to keep the property clean and pay for minor repairs. They are also liable for any damages they cause. 

Ideal Frequency of Rental Property Inspections

How often you check on your rental property will depend on local laws, the property's condition, and your relationship with your tenant.

At the very least, a normal rental inspection protocol includes move-in and move-out inspections. You'll also want to have inspections every six months to address maintenance needs without overstepping tenant boundaries. 

Quarterly inspections may be necessary for older buildings or homes in extreme weather areas. The same applies to seasonal inspections.

Inspection Checklist

There are certain areas to prioritize at every inspection. Your checklist should include leaks, HVAC systems, and any safety features.

Address small repairs immediately. These can escalate into bigger issues if ignored, such as leaks or cracks.

Inspect for normal wear and tear. Factors like persistent weather conditions and general use can contribute to this. Doors may not lock properly, and gutters may need regular cleaning. 

Take care to look at areas that aren't normally visited. That's where the minor issues will build up into major ones.

Property Maintenance Tips

First of all, establish a regular inspection protocol. It should outline how often inspections are done and how tenants are notified.

You cannot legally do surprise inspections. A landlord must give the tenant reasonable notice, which depends on the state. In Wisconsin, that means notifying them 12 hours beforehand

Another area to consider is lawn and exterior maintenance. Prune trees and shrubs, clear out dead foliage, and prepare your lawn for the upcoming season.

Keep Your Property In Good Condition

Rental property inspections are an important part of your job as a landlord. The position isn't all about dealing with tenants and making sure they pay their rent. You also need to keep the rental space in livable conditions and maintain its core systems.

PMI Puget Sound provides property management services for all of King County. Our areas of service include residential, commercial, and HOA assistance. Schedule a consultation today to learn more and get a quote.
